Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thoughtful Thursday

This week for writing we wrote a How-To. To inspire and engage our students we decided to go a little crazy daisy on them and open up an ice cream shop. The whole group activity was to write a how-to about making an ice cream sundae! We worked through our whole group and interactive writing time, then surprised them at recess with a little make your own sundae and brought our How-To to life!

We make all of our writing packets, inspired by our California Treasurers curriculum. We definitely thought it could use a little sprucing up in the writing department! Our summer goal is to make our writing packets into a workbook for our students to go along with each unit/chapter. And we hope to offer it to all of our wonderful teachers out there in the future! 

Our Sundae Making Shop!

It's amazing to see the growth in their writing since we introduced How-To writing back in November.  Just had to share one of the How-To's one of our students wrote this week...priceless!

Lovin' this!
Have a great rest of the week! 


  1. Awwww, that is so sweet! Just think of how God is using both of you to touch so many little hearts. =)

    Heather's Heart

  2. Oh my goodness, these teachers rock and I am not just satin that because my daughter gets to be a part of their fabulous teaching this year! This writing project was awesome! Thank you ladies for all of the amazing work you have put into this year!
