Saturday, April 21, 2012

Our First Post!

This is our first blog post! Just trying to get the settings just right! We sure are CrAzY! 


  1. Hi Ladies! I love the name of your cute blog! Welcome to blogging and your newest addiction! =)

    Be sure and add a follower button so I can follow you the next time I come to visit. =)

    I would love for you to visit me when you get the chance.

    Heather's Heart

  2. You have no idea how excited we were when we got our first comment! I think I figured out how to make a follower button :) We love your blog, btw! Crazy Cute!

  3. Hi crazy teacher ladies! You two are so cute! Just found you and am your newest follower. You will LOVE blogging. I started in Feb. and Heather is right - - it is soo addicting! Come on over and visit me sometime, I teach first in CA. My link is included. Have fun with it. :o)
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  4. Okay, Chicas...I am officially following you now!

    Thank you for the sweet words about my blog!

    I look forward to stalking you! =)

    Let me know if you ever need any help...I am no expert but I can maybe point you in the right direction....I am still a bit clueless myself! Hahahaha! =)

    Heather's Heart

  5. Katie, was Googling some ideas for trees in my classroom and came across the photo of yours. Love it! Do you have any posts explaining how your husband made it? I'd like to do something like that in my classroom. Can you share some info on how he made it? Thanks and God bless! :)

  6. Hay dear
    How did u make the 🌳?
    Thank you
